For instructions, please read the PageMaker 4.2 file name ‘‘Documenation—PM’’
Although these keysets represent several years of conceptualization and several months of work, all I really want is your FEEDBACK:
1) Are there any keys which don’t work properly on your Mac?
2) What shortcuts or features would you like to see added in future versions?
3) Do you find the keysets useful?
4) Would you be willing to pay a shareware fee for future versions?
I can be reached at:
CompuServe: 71155,3033
America Online: MacAnal
Your responses will determine if I create new keysets for PageMaker 5.0 and future versions of QuarkXpress and Freehand. I’m also considering adding other keysets using the same system.
If you are positively giddy over this keyset and want to do whatever you can to encourage future versions, send a check for what you think it is worth to:
Ray Robertson
315 West Avenue
Cartersville, GA 30120
This initial version of Ray’s Keys is provided for testing purposes only. No guarantee of any kind is made regarding the fitness of the keysets for any purpose other than testing. The keysets may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes.
All warranties of any kind, including WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY ARE DISCLAIMED. Your use of Ray's Keys is a gratuitous privilege for which I assume no responsibility. I will not be liable for any damages actual, consequential or special resulting from your use of Ray's Keys.